CS551 - Spring'24

Website for CS 551 - Spring'22

This project is maintained by vasia

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During the discussions, you will work on hands-on assignments using Apache Flink and Apache Kafka. These assignments will familiarize you with basic operators and API constructs and prepare you for completing the final project.

Software requirements

You can develop and execute Flink applications on Linux, macOS, and Windows. However, UNIX-based setups have complete tooling support and are generally preferred by Flink developers. All assignments assume a UNIX-based setup. If you are a Windows user, you are advised to use Windows subsystem for Linux (WSL), Cygwin, or a Linux virtual machine to run Flink in a UNIX environment.

To setup and run Flink, you additionally need:

Even though Flink is a distributed data processing system, you will typically develop and run initial tests on your local machine. This makes development easier and simplifies cluster deployment, as you can run the exact same code in a cluster environment without making any changes.

Documentation is your friend

To get started with Apache Flink and Kafka, follow the steps in these quickstart tutorials:

To successfully complete the assignments, always make sure to read the relevant documentation from the Apache Flink and Kafka websites: