DSPA '20

Data Stream Processing and Analytics, Spring 2020

This project is maintained by vasia

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Course Syllabus: CS591 K1 Data Stream Processing and Analytics (Spring 2020)

Instructor Name: Vasiliki Kalavri
Office Location: MCS 206
Contact Information: vkalavri@bu.edu
Course Time & Location: Tue/Thu 9:30-10:45, MCS B33
Office Hours: Tue 11:00-12:30, Thu 15:00-16:30, MCS 206


Course Description

For a description of topics covered in this course, please see the overview in the course website. During the semester, you will learn about the following three aspects of stream processing:

Course Objectives

The course aims at training students in fundamental and emerging topics of data stream processing. At the end of the course, successful students will have acquired the necessary knowledge in order to:

Course Materials

There is no required textbook for this class. After each lecture, slides will be published on the course website, in the “Slides” column of the lecture schedule. Further publicly available resources are listed in the course website, under “Readings”. Parts of the resources listed there will be given as (non-graded) reading assignments during the course. You should be able to access all of these for free when connected to the campus network.

Class Schedule

Please see the schedule on the course website.

Grading Scheme

The course consists of lectures, exercises, and a final semester project. There is no formal examination at the end of the course. Your final grade will be determined as follows:

Assignment Submission

All assignments and the final project will be submitted via the course Blackboard. All assignments, as well as the final project, are due by latest 11:59pm on the day of the respective deadline.

Late work policy

Students who submit homework late will only be eligible for up to 50% of the original score.


Students are expected to attend each class session unless they have a valid reason for being absent. Acceptable excused absences include observing religious holidays and illness. In such cases, students are advised to contact the instructor as soon as possible, so that reasonable accommodations can be provided. Please review the BU attendance policy and the BU Policy on Religious Observance for more information.

Academic Conduct

All assignments must be completed individually. Discussion with fellow students via Piazza or in-person are encouraged, but presenting the work of another person as your own is expressly forbidden. This includes “borrowing”, “stealing”, copying programs/solutions or parts of them from others. Note that we may use an automated plagiarism checker. Cheating will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

Please review the BU Academic Conduct Code for more information.

Supporting Students With Disabilities

If you are a student with a disability or believe you might have a disability that requires accommodations, please contact the Office for Disability Services (ODS) at (617) 353-3658 or access@bu.edu to coordinate any reasonable accommodation requests. ODS is located at 25 Buick Street on the 3rd floor.